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Childhood Cancer Awareness

Raising Awareness with Childhood Cancer International and the American Childhood Cancer Organization

For a child undergoing cancer treatment, the experience can be incredibly scary—they’re often afraid to go through CAT scans; those big, unknown medical terms sound terrifying—and coping is all the more confusing and frightening since they aren’t yet able to express their emotions. Sadly, children under five account for a staggering 5,000 new cases of cancer a year. Thanks to our latest partnership with the American Childhood Cancer Organization and Childhood Cancer International, La Roche-Posay is raising awareness and helping these children and families alike in the battle against cancer by teaching valuable coping skills. Using emotion-based activity kits that include a dry-erase board with character stickers representing different feelings, kids are encouraged to express themselves—and parents are better able to foster communication in a language that’s understandable. Helping children deal with their feelings in a fun way can help optimize treatment and recovery. You can do your part for this very important cause by donating funds to create more emotion-based activity kits.

September Is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month!

In honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness month, La Roche-Posay is celebrating our partnership with the American Childhood Cancer Organization, the largest grassroots kids’ cancer organization in the US, supporting kids and their caregivers going through cancer. This month La Roche-Posay is donating $10,000 to ACCO to further support their work to help kids fight cancer.

How Can You Help Support?

To further support Childhood Cancer, you can contribute by making a donation at checkout. All proceeds benefit the American Childhood Cancer Organization.
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